Mark Alford: Invited talks at international conferences/schools

    Date     Contribution Meeting Location
Oct 2024 "Neutron star mergers as materials science experiments" LepageFest 2024 Ithaca, NY
Mar 2024 "Nuclear matter in mergers: the quest for equilibrium" (2 talks) Cond Matt QCD 2024 Kyoto, Japan
Aug 2022 "Neutron star mergers as materials science" CSQCD IX Banff, Canada
Jun 2022 "Neutron star mergers as materials science" Opening plenary for QCD@Work X Lecce, Italy
Jun 2022 "Probing dense matter with neutron star mergers" (2 lectures) Erice School of Subnuclear Physics Erice, Italy
July 2021 "Neutron star mergers as materials science" ECT* workshop: Nuclear physics meets condensed matter Trento, Italy (online)
Jun 2021 "Superfluid vortices in quark matter" Quantum Connections 2021 Stockholm, Sweden
Mar 2021 "Decay of superfluid vortices in CFL quark matter" Topological Phases of Matter: From Low to High Energy INT, Univ of Washington (online)
Aug 2020 "Transport and equation of state for neutron stars and mergers" From heavy-ion collisions to neutron stars UIUC, Illinois (online)
Feb 2020 "Transport and dissipation in neutron star mergers" (2 lectures) 56th Karpacz Winter School in Theoretical Physics Karpacz, Poland
Jun 2019 "Quark matter in neutron stars: where do we stand?" Strangeness in Quark Matter 18 Bari, Italy
Aug 2018 "Transport and dissipation in neutron star mergers" Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 13 Maynooth, Ireland
Jun 2018 "Quark matter: the high-density frontier" Strong and Electroweak Matter Barcelona, Spain
Jun 2018 "Transport and dissipation in neutron star mergers" Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram VII CUNY, New York
Apr 2018 "Solid quark matter" Workshop on Astrosolids INT, Univ of Washington
Apr 2018 "Transport and dissipation in neutron star mergers" Fire and Ice Saariselkä, Finland
Nov 2017 Two lectures on quark matter in neutron stars Graduate Days at Univ of Graz Graz, Austria
Jun 2016 "How a quark matter core damps neutron star oscillations" QCD@Work 2016 Martina Franca, Italy
May 2016 "Mass-radius relation of hybrid stars" JINA-CEE International Symposium on Neutron Stars Athens, OH
July 2015 "Mass-radius relation of hybrid stars" The Neutron Star Radius, And All That Jazz Montreal
Oct 2014 "Hadronic Stars versus Hybrid stars: how can we identify them?" APS/JPS Nuclear Physics meeting Hawaii
Jun 2014 "Quark matter in neutron stars" QCD@Work 2014 Giovinazzo, Italy
Mar 2014 "Hybrid stars: how can we identify them ?" Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars Florence, Italy
Oct 2013 Two talks on quark matter in neutron stars IWARA 2013 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
July 2013 "Quark matter in neutron stars" Neutron Stars 2013 Surrey University, UK
July 2013 "Strange quark matter" SQM 2013 Birmingham, UK
May 2013 "Quark matter in neutron stars" Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 6 Lisbon, Portugal
Mar 2013 "Quark matter in neutron stars" Quarks, Gluons, and Hadronic Matter under Extreme Conditions St. Goar, Germany
Feb 2013 "Quark matter in neutron stars" J-PARC Workshop Toukai, Japan
July 2012 "High amplitude oscillations in dense matter" Strong and Electroweak Matter 2012 Swansea, UK
Jun 2012 "Suprathermal effects in dense matter" QCD@Work 2012 Lecce, Italy
Aug 2011 "Bulk viscosity and the damping of neutron star oscillations" Workshop on Astrophysical Transients INT, Univ of Washington
May 2011 "Quark Matter and Neutron Stars" APS April meeting Anaheim, CA
Jun 2010"Bulk viscosity for high amplitude oscillations" QCD@Work 2010 Bari, Italy
Apr 2010"High amplitude bulk viscosity of dense matter" 2nd mini-workshop on Neutron stars and Neutrinos Arizona State University
Mar 2010"Transport properties of quark matter" New Frontiers in QCD 2010 Kyoto University, Japan
July 2009"Phases of matter in compact stars" Gordon Nuclear Conf Bryant University, RI
Jun 2009"Quark matter in neutron stars" PNS 2009 Penn State University
May 2009"Strangelet crystal crust on a strange star" CRUST09 Santa Fe, NM
Apr 2009"Quark Matter in neutron stars" Quark Matter 2009 Knoxville, Tennessee
Sept 2008"Transport properties of dense quark matter" 24th Max Born Symposium Wroclaw, Poland
Sept 2008"Superconductor coupled to a superfluid: flux tubes and the type-I/type-II transition" The Modern Physics of Compact Stars Yerevan, Armenia
Oct 2007"Color superconductivity" Superconductivity BCS@50 UIUC, USA
Sept 2007"Color superconductivity in quark matter" Gordon Superconductivity 2007 Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Jun 2007"Bulk viscosity of color superconducting quark matter" QCD@Work 2007 Bari, Italy
Jun 2007"Bulk viscosity of color superconducting quark matter" EXOCT 2007 Sicily, Italy
Sept 2006 Convenor of Section F (QCD and nuclear physics, astrophysics) Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 7 Azores Islands, Portugal
July 2006"Color superconductivity in ultra-dense quark matter" Lattice 2006 Tucson, AZ
May 2006"Color superconductivity in ultra-dense quark matter" Perspectives in Hadronic Physics, 5 Trieste, Italy
Aug 2005"Color superconductivity and the strange quark" 29th Johns Hopkins Workshop in Theoretical Physics Budapest, Hungary
Jun 2005"Color superconductivity and the strange quark" QCD@Work 2005 Bari, Italy
Jun 2004"Strangeness in compact stars" Gordon Research Conference in Nuclear Chemistry Colby-Sawyer College, NH
Jun 2004"Color Superconductivity: accommodating the strange quark" "QCD and Dense Matter", INT program INT, Univ of Washington
Aug 2003Three lectures on high-density quark matter Nijmegen 2003 Nijmegen, Netherlands
Aug 2003 "Dense quark matter in nature" PANS 2003 Santa Fe, NM
July 2003 "Dense quark matter in compact stars" Confinement 2003 RIKEN, Japan
July 2003 "Dense quark matter in nature" Finite density QCD at Nara Nara, Japan
Mar 2003 "Dense quark matter in compact stars" Strange quark matter 2003 Atlantic Beach, NC
July 2002 "QCD at high density/temperature" ICHEP 2002 Amsterdam, Netherlands
July 2002 "The phases of QCD" etSim 2002 Manchester, UK
May 2002 "QCD at high baryon density" Cold Baryonic Matter 2002 GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Apr 2002 "Color superconducting quark matter" QCD in the RHIC era ITP, U.C. Santa Barbara
Nov 2001 "Color superconductivity in high-density QCD" Effective field theories of QCD Bad Honnef, Germany
Aug 2001 "Color superconducting quark matter in compact stars" Compact QCD Copenhagen, Denmark
Mar 2001 Four lectures on "Color superconductivity and compact stars" "Dense matter" Schladming winter school Schladming, Austria
Sept 2000 Four lectures on "Color superconductivity in dense quark matter" QCD study days
Staffelstein, Germany
Jun 2000 Two lectures on "Colour superconductivity at finite density" Matter under extreme conditions ZiF, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Mar 2000 Two talks on magnetic fields and color superconductivity QCD at Finite Baryon Density
INT workshop
INT, Univ. of Washington
Dec 1999 "Color superconductivity in dense quark matter" TMU-Yale Symposium Tokyo, Japan
May 1999 "Color superconductivity and the strange quark" HIT-99 (Heavy Ion Theory) CERN, Switzerland
July 1998 "New possibilities for QCD at finite density" Lattice 98 Boulder, Colorado, USA

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